Humble Harry's Happy Home Page

Here's where Harry tells the world about his hobbies, his family, his work -- maybe even where he went on vacation last year.

There are all kinds of personal home pages on the net -- as many and as varied as the folks that populate the world. Some home page owners have a point of view to sell to the world. Others just want to show you the wife, the kids and the vacation snapshots.

Lots of personal pages are still semi-commercial, as they involve offers to by and sell various collectible items that the individual or other family members have or want.

Whatever your reason, you can have a presence on the internet -- and it's fun.

Can you guess what turns Harry's head. He almost had a wreck last week. There was a 'Vet convention in town that he hadn't heard about. There he was on his way to work and three vintage 'Vets go roaring down the other side of the road. Well, you guessed it. Harry whipped a U and followed. Nearly got creamed by the UPS delivery truck that was following behind the 'Vets. Harry never made it to work that day.

The sub-pages that Harry has linked to this home page are:

[ 'Vet Valhalla ]
A fantastic collection of photos -- over 60 real Corvettes and 35 photo presentations of the super-fine Corvette models in Harry's collection.
[Harry's Family Photo Album ] & [ Colorful Colorado ]
Both these photo essays are the result of Harry's other hobby -- photography. He's the source for most of the fine 'Vet photos, and (don't you agree) he's a darn fine photographer.

Got a 'Vet, collect 'em, spend a lot of time in the darkroom?

If you share Harry's interests, contact him.


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